Privacy & Cookie Notice
Bernhard Schulte GmbH & Co. KG
Vorsetzen 54
20459 Hamburg
Telephone | +49 403118960 |
Telefax | +49 403191215 |
[email protected] |
Executive Officer:
Ian Beveridge
Commercial Register:
Amtsgericht HRA 59081
VAT identification number:
VAT-No.: DE118939311
Declaration of Data Protection:
The protection of your personal data which we collect, process and use in the event of your visit on our homepage is of high concern to us. Your data are being protected within the framework of lawful regulations. Hereunder you will find information about which data are registered during your visit on our homepage and how same are being used.
Collection and Processing of Data:
On visiting the website of the SCHULTE GROUP, for reasons of statistics we register your IP-address, time of visit, volume of data transfer, which pages were visited and from where and by which web browser (browser type, browser version, operating system) you accessed our website. Any personalization of your data does not occur. As far as this information enables relating to personal data we conform to the regulations of the laws of data protection. Any further personal data will only be registered when you provide such details on your own free will, e.g. when using our contact form for an enquiry.
Use and Passing On of Personal Data:
Whenever you have provided personal data these will only be used for answering your enquiries, for execution of contracts entered with us, and for technical administration. Your personal data will only be passed on to third parties or be otherwise transferred if this is necessary for execution of a contract – especially passing on of ordering data to suppliers – or else, if this is required for purposes of financial settlements or if we have your prior agreement. You are entitled to withdraw your consent effective for future cases at any time. Stored personal data will be purged once you withdraw your consent to such data storage or when holding such data is no longer necessary for the purpose of such storage or when their storage is inadmissible for other legal reasons.
Use of cookies:
Our web pages do not usually use cookies. Only in exceptional cases are so-called session cookies deposited in your browser’s memory in order to store data needed for technical guidance of the session. This data is not personal in nature and is deleted when you close your browser at the latest.
Right of Information:
On written demand we will gladly inform you about the data stored in relation to your person.
Copyright and Liability:
The content published on this website is copyrighted by the SCHULTE GROUP. All rights reserved. Except the downloads offered for use in their original version the use of texts and images, even in extracts, without a written permission of the SCHULTE GROUP violates the provision of copyright and is illegal and not permitted. This especially applies to all exploition rights like the duplication, translation or the use in electronic systems. We use registered trademarks, trade names, industrial design and logos on our website. Even if those are not marked on their actual places, the correspondent provisions of law apply.
Notice and Directive to Recruiters and Staffing Agencies:
The Schulte Group and its affiliates have an internal recruiting team to fill open roles that are posted to the general public. In certain cases, the Schulte Group may wish to add to its internal team’s capabilities by engaging with external recruiting vendors and employment agencies (“Recruiting Vendors”). Recruiting Vendors are not authorized to send resumes or candidate data or otherwise directly or indirectly contact the Schulte Group employees for the purposes of presenting candidates for employment.
The only exception to this directive is for Recruiting Vendors who fulfil the below requirements:
(1) have an active and Valid Agreement (as defined below) on file with the Schulte Group which has been authorized by the Schulte Group’s recruiting team (“Authorized Recruiting Vendors”); and
(2) must be specifically invited by the Schulte Group’s recruiting team to assist with searching for and submitting candidates for a specific position.
In compliance with this Directive, and to ensure only Authorized Recruiting Vendors can share resumes and/or candidate personal information, the Schulte Group will not accept unsolicited resumes from any other source whatsoever. Any unsolicited resumes or other candidate data submitted to the Schulte Group regardless of the means of transmission (email, fax, etc.) shall be considered Schulte Group’s property. The Schulte Group will not pay any placement or other fees of any kind for any unsolicited resumes or candidate data that is submitted in violation of this Notice. Any unsolicited resumes or other data submitted to the Schulte Group in violation of this Notice may be used by the Schulte Group without obligation to pay any fees of any kind to Recruitment Vendors. The Schulte Group may consider any candidate from whom a Recruitment Vendor has submitted an unsolicited resume to have been referred by the Recruitment Vendor free of any charges or fees. In case a Valid Agreement is not in place, the Schulte Group is under no obligation to provide any evidence of the source of any unsolicited resume received.
Valid Agreements are defined as being in writing and signed by an authorized designated signatory of the Schulte Group’s Recruiting team. No other Schulte Group employee or officer is authorized to sign an agreement with a Recruiting Vendor. If a Recruiting Vendor does not have a Valid Agreement, the Schulte Group or any affiliate companies do not accept liability under any legal doctrine such as course of conduct, oral agreements, implied contracts, or otherwise based on negotiations with a candidate identified from an unsolicited resume or data in violation of this Notice.
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679:
The Schulte Group companies comply in full with the EU GDPR law, which can be reviewed here. In further information is needed, please contact our Data Protection Officer:
Deutsche Datenschutz Consult GmbH
Verantwortlicher Herr Christoph Heinrich
Stresemannstr. 29
22769 Hamburg
Email: [email protected]
The Schulte Group companies do not participate in the arbitration like (EC) No 2006/2004 of 27 October 2004 or its EU national implementation acts.